Our company’s core values are: Respecting Lapland’s nature and its traditions, responding to the changing and individual customer requirements, our undertaking to get things right the first time round, never compromising safety, with consideration for the environment and aiming at strategic further development of our company’s activities to respond to the changing and individual needs of customers.
Kylmämaa’s Principles of Sustainable Tourism
1. We Engage in Fair Collaboration
We develop tourism in collaboration with other operators in our region and industry. Together, we can better influence the future of society and tourism. We want our region to be a good place to live and visit now and in the future, so we make decisions that are sustainable for future generations as well. We treat everyone with respect and fairness and engage only in fair and honest trade.
2. We Take Care of Nature
We protect our region's environment, landscapes, and biodiversity. Our operations do not exceed the carrying capacity of nature but instead help ensure the preservation of a healthy environment and opportunities for a good life in our region. We also care for the welfare and dignified treatment of our animals.
3. We Respect Cultural Heritage
We cherish the cultural heritage of our region. Our goal is the authentic and respectful presentation, revitalization, maintenance, and strengthening of culture. We also understand that cultures have always evolved through interaction and learning from each other.
4. We Promote Well-being, Human Rights, and Equality
We treat our employees, guests, and local residents equally and respectfully, regardless of their background. We take people's specific needs into account in our operations. We educate, guide, and encourage our staff to act responsibly.
5. We Favor Local
We support local products, services, and businesses, and our goal is to employ local people. We prefer food made from local ingredients. We involve residents and businesses in matters that concern them.
6. We Focus on Safety and Quality
We ensure the safety of local residents, our staff, and our guests, and we comply with laws and official regulations. By prioritizing quality in the development of our services and products, we create conditions for the continuity of our operations.
7. We Consider Climate Impacts
We make climate-friendly choices and reduce our carbon footprint. We monitor the environmental impact of tourism and aim for more efficient energy and resource use through active measurement.
8. We Communicate Transparently
We boldly communicate about responsible tourism actions and future plans and visions in our region. We want Finnish sustainable tourism to be known worldwide. We openly share our successes but also the challenges we face.
9. We Continuously Develop Our Business
We are ready to innovate and adapt our services and products to ensure they remain in demand in the future. A stable economy and ethical business practices lay the foundation for sustainable development.
10. We Commit to the Principles of Sustainable Tourism
We take an active role in promoting sustainable tourism and implementing these principles of sustainable tourism. We will create a sustainable tourism action plan, according to which we will operate even more systematically in the future. We are committed to taking action and eager to continue learning.
We have Good Travel Seal – certificate and we are Sustainable Travel Finland path.